
We share our homes with our samplers. My customers allow us a glance at their beautiful sampler walls. Thank you so much. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Ellen Chester mailed a photo of her completed Cecilia Millar sampler. "Thank you for all your help with her." "Cecilia Millar 1828" now hangs in her bedroom. Amazing! What a beauty!



Yvonne Heijboer finished her "St. Gallen" darning sampler. It was very nice to make, she wrote. Now she just needs to find a strip for the frame. Splendid! Terry Niemczura from Ohio: "I just finished the Schloss Merseburg Sampler from the chart you sold me last fall. I am so happy with how it turned out. Thanks for offering the museum’s chart for sale." It was a pleasure. Great work!

Ellen wrote on Instagram:This sweet little sampler was my last finish of the year! It is "E. Prophet 1916" by @european.reproduction.samplers stitched with the called for DMC on 36ct. Li Ling Yeoh from Singapore sent a picture of "C. A. Bunch 1945" she had finished last year. She had to omit a few lines at the top to fit the sampler onto her fabric. It is stitched on Picture this Plus Sand with DMC. Thank you so much to both of you for sharing! Lovely!

I last finished two samplers in 2024. My "Edward 1874" is back from the framer's. My "IFAKHS 1817" is framed and hanging on my Vierlanden wall.

Catherine Leroy has just finished "Karolina Kisling 1825" worked on white 40ct Zweigart linen with silk threads from Vers à Soie. Congratulations! Beautiful! Enjoy your dachshund sampler! Ruthild von Dörnberg wrote to me: "I used up a very large part of my red shades this summer because I finally got around to stitching the wonderful rose alphabet. Here you can see the result!" I love her "Roses from A to Z". Thank you for sharing.

Olga Danilina wrote to me, among other things: "I am very happy to stitch the old needlework patterns that you have lovingly reworked. I developed the red pattern out of your sampler from the Museum of Saxon Folk Art in Dresden, Gabriele Geyler 1904. I found the second pattern, Art Deco, in an old French journal (between 1920 and 1940) for embroidery and knitting and I stitched it." Wow. Very beautiful. Great design.

Mail from Ursel Zscherper: “Here's more supplies for the gallery. The shades of blue remind me of Delft tiles.” Wow! Her “Barber Meins 1840/42” can only fascinate and leave you speechless. Admirable! Jip Bieräugel from Alkmaar, Holland wrote: "On your site I often look at the wonderful  patterns and the finished samplers in the Gallery. Yesterday I got my version of Metta 1848 back from the framer and today I am sending you a photo. I used  DMC 498 on Belfast Raw Linen and it took me about 6 years on and off to get it done. I stitched horizontally page by page and that is also why you can see that DMC 498 can be different shades of red. I may have used 50 or 60 skeins and didn't buy them all in one go, so that was a bit of a revelation. But I decided not to let it bother me, because unpicking large areas is not a nice thing. The frame measures 82 by 87 cm, so finding room to hang it is also an issue. I still have other patterns from you in stock, so I can still keep busy."

Jeanny Cobben sent some photos of small samplers she had recently stitched. Very very nice. Really classy. Impressive. Thank you very much!

Janny Ten Haaf can be very proud of her “M. P. Joppe 1886”, because it turned out beautifully. A masterpiece of patience. Great colors. Ute Reuter wrote to me about the photo of her “Metta Putfarcken 1848”: “... After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to send you my version of the Metta Putfarcken sampler. I jazzed it up a bit, stitching it on 22 count fabric in Petit Point stitch and using merceresed sewing thread. So this turned out to be very fine. You can probably see. You can't see at first glance what various patterns Metta has worked, which is precisely why you have to take the time and look twice or even three times. In my opinion, Metta's work is particularly valued. ..." A masterpiece. Your Metta looks amazing. Thank you for sharing.

A good month ago, Renate Markart-Franz sent me her rose girl “Leni Widmann ca. 1860”. She had just had her beautiful work framed. “It was tedious and took a while, but doesn’t it look great. I am inspired and will probably place my next order with you soon.” The old year ended well and the new year 2024 will certainly be just as creative. Thank you very much! I received pictures of several beautiful samplers worked by Margret Mester. I was very happy about “CEG 1737”, “AMN 1790” and “LDR 1753”. She had indeed been creative, including colour and motif changes. Her fourth sampler does not come from the 18th century. For comparison, I show my version next to it, my first sampler ever. Both are dated: 2022 and 1981.

Stephanie Dickerson has just finished stitching “EDFS 1807” and framed it. A little gem! Beautiful. Another magnificent specimen: Dorothea shows her “PAPA ca. 1880” not framed, but as a wall hanging. I would like to thank you very much for the photo and for the opportunity to present it here. Excellent!

Lydia Eberl wrote to me from Fürth, Bavaria: "It's done, the year's work is finished. Thank you for your commitment in the search for new and historical patterns. In autumn there will be time and leisure for the next sampler.” With her beautiful “CSK 1680” she joins the group of stitchers here. Great! I am looking forward to more. A.-M. Strandborg on her “Edward 1874”: “Hello, dear Sabine, here’s an update on Edward. My girlfriend is always trying to get me to knit and crochet. But I am steadfast. I stitch for a few hours every day. If nothing comes up due to health issues, I should be able to finish it soon. Many kind regards, Anne-Marit” WOW! GREAT!

"What takes a long time will finally be done. Been working on it for a long time, always between the samplers; but I did it. Was very good for using up leftover floss,” Elvira Farr wrote to me along with the images of her Museum Sampler III. My hands are clapping with excitement. Do you hear that now, too? Thank you for showing!

Christiane Kliebe wrote to me today: "Here comes my framed sampler 'IFAKHS 1817'! I worked it with Anchor 378 2 strands on light 32ct linen! It was a lot of fun. Now I'm going to stitch 'Anna Funke'! Thanks for the great patterns!” Congratulations! Thank you very much! I look forward to your "Anna".

Reproductions and originals. After the beds were made, my friend sent me a photo of her bedroom. Regarding the samplers, nothing has changed for a long time. Nevertheless, her collection is really an eye-catcher. On the left hand side Margit's reproductions, including my "WCM 1820". Great! Many thanks for sharing.

Also around this time I received from Florence Anne Caeymaex a photo of her "LDR 1753" on 16ct linen. She had just finished the sampler and thanked me for counting the original and making the pattern available. I have to thank her for showing and sharing this beauty. Bravo!!! Last but not least, Hanneke Jongepier-Harskamp had finished her "Antoinette 1894-1896". Also stitched on 16ct linen with DMC 815. WOW!!! Congratulations!! I enjoy these embroidery works.

Ulrike Grommisch had to wait a few weeks before her "EDFS 1807" could be shown here. Her "pug sampler" looks wonderful. Ursel Zscherper wrote in early June: "Good morning! 14 months of 'work' and the result: a splendid specimen! It takes a lot of patience, but it's worth it. Many greetings from Düsseldorf to Berlin.” Wow! Your "Mette 1811/1825" looks great. My thumb goes up.

Bettina Büttner on Instagram: "Grete Rathmans 1788/89", a Vierlande Sampler by @european.reproduction.samplers

I have a finish. I love this beautiful sampler so much. I never ever expected to finish her in less than three months but I enjoyed stitching her so much. Fabric: Zweigart Kingston 56ct Rocky Mountain from @xjudesign; Thread: Au Ver à Soie, 100.3 

An amazing work. Thank you so much for sharing!

Christiane Zeddies wrote about her photo: "I have been following your website for years and I also receive your newsletter. I would like to show you a sampler of me today. It's not framed yet, so it might not be suitable for your gallery, but I wanted to show it as inspiration for a personal sampler. The image represents our personal map of the world. Geographically, it's sort of a map of the world. We (C&W) went out into the world from Pattensen, Germany. It was a lot of fun looking for suitable motifs in my many needlework books. I also unpicked a few things because I didn't like them anymore and didn't suit the environment.” Unframed works also belong on my Gallery site. Great! Thanks for showing!

Hélène Martial de France m'a écrit la veille de Noël: "J'avais déjà brodé votre modèle REH 1746 sur une toile "ancienne" avec les couleurs indiquées. J'ai tellement aimé le faire, que j'ai décidé de le broder à nouveau sur une toile blanche, avec des couleurs vives. Je viens de le terminer et je vous envoie les deux photos. Je commence maintenant le Grete Rathmans 1788/89, que je brode avec des fils de soie... un grand bonheur! Merci pour nous permettre de réaliser de tels ouvrages!" Les deux sont magnifiques. Merci beaucoup!

Michelle King wrote on Instagram: "I just finished stitching this sampler by European Reproduction Samplers from The Crewel Gobelin. I love the combination of cross stitch and pattern darning. 36 count linen antique white, Sajou fils dentelle for the cross stitch (beautiful thread to work with!) and a slightly thicker thread (vintage thread gifted to me) for the darning. If I hadn’t used that I would have considered using Wonderfil Spagetti or DMC Floche for the darning. Interestingly, the reproduction has the motifs all much closer together than the original. I quite liked the spacing of the original but it would have been quite large done that way. I still love it though. I think I need a red sampler wall!" Gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing!

Some time ago, my customers had the opportunity to download the "MAW" chart as a freebie. Therese Niemczura was the first to send me a photo of her sampler. Wow! I absolutely love her work - dated and signed. Thank you very much! Hanneke Jongepier-Harskamp showed the “Museum Sampler III” on Facebook. I received a picture for the Gallery. Great! Congratulations and thanks a lot for sharing!

A few hours ago, Florence Anne Caeymaex finished "Maria Tolrá 1900". She also stitched on 36 ct linen. Small and fine! Very beautiful! Elvira Farr from Neu-Ulm Burlafingen wrote about her "Hannah Wallis 1802": "You haven't heard from me for a long time, but I was still busy and stitched a few samplers, the cross stitch virus won't let you go. Here is my last project.” Thank you very much! Another great embroidery.

Ginny Kellar commented on the photo: "Drum roll…. I have a finish!!! After off and on stitching on BW 1880 it’s finished!!!  She was reproduced by Sabine Taterra. BW lived in Austria and the motifs were of the Berlin wool works style that was popular in that time. I stitched mine on 36 count linen and used DMC floss, 2 strands over 2 threads. It measures 12” x 38”. I started this about 5 years ago and put my last stitch in the end of August." Congratulations! Admirable - your patience to keep going and not give up!

Nicole Vanecke from Belgium must have liked the little "Margaret Kay 1842" very much, because she stitched her magnificent sampler in a short time. That's how it should be. Wow. Wow. Wow. Thank you for showing us! Ruthild von Doernberg wrote with the photo of her "Frances Rae 1797" that the use of some of her needlework thread leftovers had made good progress with this sampler. “As you can see, in addition to the freedom of colour, I also took the freedom of design. But I think it turned out really nice!” Great! Thank you very much for the feedback and for sharing.

The month of May starts fantastically. Awesome - "Metta 1848" from the Vierlande area worked by Frédérique Breuzot ("J'ai adoré cette broderie et j'admire vraiment beaucoup votre travail.") from Paris, France with DMC 221 on Zweigart Lugana 25ct fabric. C'est génial! Merci infiniment!

It's always nice to see when customers go their own way. Julia Huesers stitched "PAPA ca. 1880" in red. Signed and dated. Excellent! Thank you very much! I received the photo of her "Anna Grimm 1883" worked by Florence Anne Caeymaex from Belgium, stitched on 45 count linen with DMC thread. Si finement brodé! Très beau!

Almost an antique. Many years ago my first hand drawn pattern of "DS 1842" was converted and published in craft magazines. I was quite happy. Carolina Rafenomanjato from France found me on Facebook and showed me her personalized reproduction of the sampler. Merci infiniment! Formidable! Here is the complete Bristol sampler "Annie 1888" by Jeanny Cobben, embroidered in petit point on 36 count linen with Soie d'Alger. The whole patch is 21 x 29 cm. Super goed! Erg mooi!

Leni - Rose Girl: Sue Hertzog's "Leni Widmann ca. 1860" is now hanging on the wall. Next to "Josepha Vogl 1846", stitched in 2015. Thank you very much for showing us. A few days before Easter, Ursel Zscherper wrote to me: "MV 1692 has become a real eye-catcher. The hemstitch is the icing on the cake. Your USZP” And all that with just one thread on 35ct linen. So delicate! Great.

Here's Danielle Farrugia's finished „Maria Tolrá 1900“. She had fun stitching it. Gorgeous. Thanks a lot for sharing. Sue Hertzog completed "Leni Widmann ca. 1860". She wrote: "Hi Sabine, just finished Leni, next week to the framer, as you see I left off the satin stitch, it made the sampler look less busy… I hope you don’t mind, XXXSue" I love her Leni - Rose Girl.

Two beauties by Stephanie Drury, one more beautiful than the other: "MV 1692" and "Grace 1893". There are two hundered years in between the original samplers. A pleasure.

Et voilà. „Martha Stones 1840“ worked by Nadine Caron from France. Magnifique! Merci beaucoup!

A family record in shades of blue. Marcella van Oost stitched "St. Gallen" with silks from Au Ver à Soie on very fine linen - probably 20 threads per centimetre. Great idea! Thank you!

"C. A. Bunch 1945", worked by Pat Weronko. "I stitched this fun sampler last year, I enjoyed every stitch! I am so glad you thought I did a good job stitching your fun, beautiful, happy sampler. It's hung in the bedroom my granddaughters sleep in when they visit. They love the girls dancing in the sampler." Wonderful! Thank you very much for sharing!

Maria Rosa Muià is currently showing her pillow with the "Flower Alphabet" at an exhibition in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The MOSTRA DI RICAMI A PUNTO CROCE will take place from November 20th to 28th, 2021 under the title “Embroidery, what I love”. With great joy and pride she provided me with a photo for the gallery. A hug and thank you very much!

Donna Lemos allows us all to see her wall with Ackworth samplers. Doesn't her "Rachel Wilson 1818" look beautiful? Donna: "Did you know her mother was Hannah Hicks who has her own quaker sampler...mother-daughter samplers totally rock. Rachel lives on my quaker sampler wall...Hannah Hicks is a wip." Gorgeous.

Sue Morris wrote to me abour her photo: "I’m so excited to finally have taken Gooitie 1701 to be framed, Sabine. Now to find the perfect place to hang her." Successful! A real joy. Donna Lemos on Facebook: "I did mine in red with a bunch of reds. I just kept stitching until there was no more room." It looks great, doesn't it? A red dream.

Short and sweet. Andrea Claiborn loved stitching "EDFS 1807". Splendid! Excellent! Many thanks! Congratulations to Cherie Anderson! She got the 2nd place at the North Carolina State Fair with her wonderful "EH 1875". Terrific! Thank you so much for sharing!

“Hello Mrs. Taterra-Gundacker, my first Saxon sampler is finished. Really long, longer, the longest. I mostly stitched with one thread over two threads, which is why it has become a bit more 'fragrant'. All the best for you and your husband, Ursel Zscherper (USZP)” Congratulations on your “REH 1746”! I admire you and your work. Thank you so much for sharing. Dorothy Howard just sent me a photo. She wrote: "There are errors, but it is still a beautiful sampler. The right most building is missing its steeple. I checked and double checked, but could not figure out what I did. I stitched this off and on between illnesses, so heaven only knows. I decided if the 'historic' stitchers could make errors, so could I." Amazing!

I received the Rose Girl from Anka Hartung - "Leni Widmann approx. 1860". “It was a lot of fun to stitch this wonderful sampler. Thank you.“ Thanks a lot! Adorable! It's high time. Finally here in the Gallery: I had the photo in my inbox weeks ago. "Martha Jones 1792" stitched by Laura Rodriguez in Mexico. A beauty.

Long. Longer. The longest. From Belinda Johnson, I received a long shot and detailed shots of her "REH 1746", embroidered over one thread. Nice, beautiful, gorgeous! Congratulations!


Today on Sunday morning I received a surprising email: "Hi dear Sabine, I made it, the Barber Meins is ready. Have a nice Sunday, Anne-Marit (Strandborg)" Congratulations! January - July 2021 Covid: Benjamine Dupleix wrote about her photo: "Et voici mon Antoinette 1894-1896. Fini. J'ai eu un très grand plaisir à le broder. Merci a vous." I have to thank. Great job.


Perfect! From front to back, top to bottom. After a long break, my friend Margit Guerrein rediscovered stitching and fell in love with "Grace 1893". A couple of crosses every day. Congratulations!

Custom-made and creative. June Lane from New Zealand took "Gertrud Gröschel 1895" and created a gorgeous sampler in memory of her grandmother Gertrude. "Introducing my grandmother, Gertrude. Wood carver, pianist, singer, choir mistress. Knitter and also crocheted. She also always had a budgie. Music on the right, craft on the left with a budgie. Dark blue letters are for my Grandmother, her mother, my daughter, my 4 granddaughters and the light blue for my mother (her daughter-in-law) and my daughter-in-law." Adorable! Quite surprisingly, I received a photo of Akemi Ninomiya from Japan in an email today. Her “Grete Rathmans 1788/89” is fascinating. Thank you so much for sharing!

“It is really worth stitching Elisabeth. This piece and the pug sampler are my favourites,” Christel Ross emailed me with the photo of her “Elisabeth Osterberger 1867”. Thanks! She looks great. Only a few dare to take on the challenge of a “Dresden Lace”. Danielle Aerts from Belgium worked “FH 1910” - an examination piece of a prospective needlework teacher. Beautiful!



“Old love never dies” or “Good things come to those who wait”: Annie Walker wrote a few weeks ago that she was stitching one of my designs that was released in the magazine “Burda-special” in 1996. “WCM 1820” from the Stralsund Museum. She bought the booklet because she liked this old sampler. At that time she was still working. Now she would have had a little more time to complete this beautiful piece, she said and sent me photos. Merci beaucoup! Thank you so much! Françoise Li worked the darning or weaving sampler “St. Gallen” on 32ct Belfast linen by Zweigart with “Broder Spécial 25” color 498 by DMC. "A great finish for me," she said. I can only confirm that. Great!

I received a photo from Angelika Röhringer with the following message: "My 'BW 1880' is now framed. She turned out really beautiful. I wish you a relaxed Easter." Congratulations! Fantastic! Happy Easter! "Picked up 'EH 1875' reproduced by Sabine Taterra. I stitched her on 40 count vintage Maritime White with the called for threads. I’m thrilled with the frame," Michele Barton wrote on Facebook. Enchanting!

Here is a photo of Britta Hisek's "ACO 1772". Very very nice. She wrote: “I made a mistake at the top of the border, which I only noticed when I started the sampler the second time. I gave the first piece away, now I stitch it again for myself." Ursel Zscherper made herself and me very happy with her "RET 1714" on 35 ct linen for Easter. So beautiful again! Now she is looking forward to a Saxon sampler.

"Today I am sending you Therese Suchanek's sampler, which I have currently completed," Renate Rohrer wrote. “I didn't stitch the frame and her name. I really enjoyed my work again. The fabric I had is very tightly woven, so I was only able to work with 1 thread, which I think was very good" Thank you very much! Splendid. I received a picture of "C. A. Bunch 1945" from Pam Tanner. But she had not stitched the dancing children from the end of World War II, it was the work of her sister Pat Weronko. Cute!!!

"Mary Wigham 1790" on 28 ct linen stitched 1x1 with HDF fibers by Bhooma Aravamudan. "For now I am going to call my Mary Wigham completed. I left out the initials and added a few motifs in some places." Congrats! Enchanting. Lilian Kok only ‘signs’ samplers which she has designed herself or she has adapted in a significant way. Her picture shows a darning sampler that began life as "M. P. Joppe 1886". She added more darning patterns to fill the frame she already had and then stitched her name and the year. Terrific!


Françoise Ricard enjoys stitching her "Metta 1848", she wrote about her photos. Keep it up! Magnifique!

Michele Barton wrote about her photo on Facebook: "Hot off my scroll rods! 'EH 1875' by European Reproductions. Stitched on 40 count Vintage Maritime White with the called for threads." She added her longtime friend's initials and life dates as a memento. A lovely idea. Touching! Angelika Röhringer sent the first screenshot for the Gallery. After 16 months, her "BW 1880" is finished. Working on her sampler was a very good change and a challenge in difficult times. The frame will have to wait a little longer. The craftsman is 40 km away. Nice that she persevered. Thank you very much and get well again!

Ursel Zscherper's “SM 1678” reached me with the following message: “Here is another accession to the Gallery. It was a pleasure." It was my pleasure. So beautiful. And here is the beautiful "Karolina Kisling 1825" by Trijntje van Spil. Her friend Jantien Scholten sent me the photo. Great!

Bravo! Bravissimo, Deborah Higgs! "S. de Meulemeester 1895" done on Calico. Finished size 8.5cm x 6cm. Thread Gumnuts Star silk. Amazing! Margaret Bertrand wrote from Canada: "My mother, now 92, was more than half done with her LDR 1753 when she lost her eyesight to macular degeneration. I just finished it and signed it with both our names. I wish she could see it finished." Thank you so much for completing and sharing!


Right before Christmas I received small delicacies from Daniela Krause: "MW 1903", "M. Melzer approx. 1900", "Anna Grimm 1883", "Karolina Kisling 1825" and "Elsbeth Schoof 1918". All one over one stitched from summer to autumn 2020. Thank you so much!

 I received a photo of her “Hilma Lösner 1883” from Chantal Mignolet. She had stitched the sampler on 36ct linen 1 over 1 with La Soie d'Alger silk 1026. She's gorgeous, isn't she? I show three photos od her "CEG 1737" with further samplers by Rosa Gonzalez Pasquau. Adorable.

Lies van der Burg has long finished her beautiful “Wobcke Brandts 1796”. It's good that we can now admire her too. A pleasure! Bhooma Aravamudan wrote: "Hot off the rod! I finally finished a Bristol Sampler, 'Annie 1888' reproduced by Samplers Berlin. This is stitched on 28ct even weave with HDF silk Gigi’s Christmas." I love it.

Ton Wolswijk had a finish! M. P. Joppe 1886. Darning sampler. She made it in DMC blue 931 and linen 40 ct Zweitgart off white. The letters in baby blue. She is so happy with the result! Me too. Terrific! Michele Thompson Bruce sent me a quartet of European samplers, including "Anna Roenneke ca. 1900". So beautiful!

“This year is probably a good year for needlework. I completed the Flower Alphabet and almost finished is my Hometown Sampler with self-made motifs and patterns and motifs from various templates from 1600 to 2020 ... Greetings from Werben on the River Elbe from Margret Zwinzscher." Many thanks and best regards back!

Angela Muratet wrote from Montpellier: "I worked M. F. Tucher 1696 on 36ct linen, but with one thread of DMC only. Mary Gunter 1811, on the other hand, is made on 40ct linen (which I generally prefer)." Marvellous!


Sue Hertzog wrote sending her photo: "I just got back from my framer and thought you would like to get a first look at Louise Rigaud 1895. I used my mothers birth initials as I did for her 80th birthday. I also got two other samplers framed that I have wanted to for a long time. These samplers will all go in the guest room, so you will feel at home when you visit." Thanks a lot, Sue! It's smashing. Patrizia Ballarin from Italy sent me her reproduction of "WCM 1820", which she had worked many years ago. Che bello!

Barber Heitmanns may have used scraps of floss. In any case, Ursel Zscherper dared to do it. It was irrelevant how much yarn was left, she let me know. Thank you very much for the enchanting “Barber Heitmanns 1814”. Lois Suski wrote sending her "Karolina Kisling 1825": "This is my favorite part of the sampler so I just decided to stop at this point. I will put the original sampler's title and info on a label on the back when I frame it so Karolina  will be acknowledged." Great.

Small samplers worked in silk by Karen Bugg: "KS 1794" and "MTT 1858". Aren't they charming?

After a long time, Donna Lemos sent me a finished sampler again, her “Wobcke Brandts 1796” very fine on 16ct linen. A real gem! As promised, I received “DS 1842” by Nikola Pokoj - a reproduction of my first counted and charted sampler. Thank you very much! Lovely!

Jeanny Cobben's "M. P. Joppe 1886" tells its own tale. Super! TerryRose Bailey wrote on her "Anna Grimm 1883": "She was an absolute delight to stitch! My husband is absolutely in love with her! Thank you for providing this wonderful design to us and for your encouragement while I stitched her! My husband wants to try his hand at building a frame for her, so I will let you know how that proceeds." Thank you so much.


Hanneke Jongepier-Harskamp from the Netherlands completed her „M. P. Joppe 1886“: „Ik heb hem net af. 16 draads linnen en DMC 928.“ Hartelijk dank. Excellent work! A photo of her “M. P. Joppe 1886” was also sent by Veerle Roose. “Pattern bought in Museum Goes, Netherlands. This was my first darning sampler, DMC 931. Greetings from Poperinge, Belgium.” Beautiful! And the hems as well!

"Quarantine made it possible," Beth Sells from Ohio wrote about the photos of her "Grete Rathmans 1788/89". This is a nice side of the global pandemic. Great.

Renate Rohrer from Berlin sent me a small selection of her embroidery, including her "DS 1842" and "DS 1812". They hang beautifully framed in the bedroom and in the holiday home. For 50 years she has been embroidering samplers with great enthusiasm. Thank you! Wonderful.

Yesterday I received an email from Rosemarie Löschenkohl with her "Anna Grimm 1823" in the attachment: "Started .......... and I couldn't stop until I made the last stitch today. I was delighted by these wonderful colours.“ Great! Today, as promised, Jeanny Cobben from Sittard, Holland sent a picture of her “M. L. de Kam, Goes 1896". It was a lot of fun for her. I'm excited.

Anka Hartung from Dresden finished "Johanna Vogl 1846" and "WCM 1820": "Thank you for this beautiful design! I had a lot of fun stitching. I worked in some strong colours and used existing silks on 40 ct linen. Thank you so much for this beauty!” It is my pleasure.

Sue Hertzog just finished her "Anna Grimm 1883" this week. "I stitched her on 22 count over 1 hole...and it came out 10.5 x 10 inches." What a tiny piece. Terrific! As promised Ginny Kellar sent me a photo of her finished "Margaret Kay 1842".  "She is clean and pressed! I will get her framed when I decide on a frame soon. I am so happy with this design and also so happy you found this sampler!!! I never thought I would ever see a sampler with my maiden name from the UK. I have been working on genealogy for years and I have traced back my Kay family to England. In fact my Great Grandfather Kay was born very near Manchester in a small town of Royton.  Maybe someday I will find a connection to Margaret Kay from Scotland? Manchester isn't very far from Scotland. Your charts are a pleasure to work from!" Thank you so much for all the expertise and love you put into your work!!!  


Today as well: "MAMAN 1880 - 1890". This time the version of Hanneke Jongepier-Harskamp. Charming!

A great Easter present for me from Paris by my friend Brigitte Brandenburg: Her wonderful "Maman 1880-1890" is finished. I'm blown away. Merci beaucoup! After the holidays we continued with "Cecilia Millar 1828" by Ursel Zscherper. A showpiece, worked with one thread.

Daniela Krause wrote: "I have finally framed the last samplers, the new season can now come. Richelieu work was reserved for winter. I am sending you pictures of my embroidery work." Aren't "Leni Widmann", "Nannette 1837" and "Josepha Vogl 1846" beautiful to look at? Thank you very much for sharing with us.

"Finalmente finito." Enrica Fumagalli has finished "PAPA ca. 1880". She chose a different colour. Doesn't her work look great? Rosemarie Löschenkohl wrote: "My first work in 2020 is finished ..... beautiful as always. And now I'm waiting for the new sampler with the lovely colourful birds. I'm looking forward to it." I love her "Barber Heitmanns 1814".

Sue Hertzog sent me a picture of one of her favourite samplers, "Nannette 1837" from Switzerland. She signed it in the wreath. I am thrilled. Ursel Zscherper finished her "IFAKHS 1817" just in time for Christmas. A showpiece. Thank you so much!

Anne-Marit Strandborg is so happy to have finished a sampler again. Her "Rachel Wilson 1818" is gorgeous, isn't she? Amanda Blad a écrit dans les réseaux sociaux: "Il y a près d'un an, dans un SAL maison j'avais choisi de broder le très bel Haubarg 1783 de Sabine Taterra, reproduit d'après un original conservé au Altona Museum de Hamburg avec des Soies d'Alger d'Au Vers à Soie. Je l'ai fini pendant la canicule de cet été et le voici enfin de retour de chez mon encadreur. Il a tout de suite trouvé sa place dans mon entrée." Formidable!

Oh, how beautiful: For her 25th wedding anniversary Sue Hertzog from California designed her own sampler - from seven of my patterns. A fantastic idea! Congratulations!

A nice email reached me from Helga Urban-Baule: "Today I just want to write: Seven years ago I stitched my last sampler ... I have been living in Sweden for six years and have settled down very well. I still stitch, but not so much anymore, there are six samplers hanging on the wall. There are so many ways to be creative here. I'm fortunate enough to be part of an arts and crafts club, and fortunately I have children who appreciate my handicrafts." She shows all of us her "Metta 1848". Brilliant! Frances Smith wrote: "Here is my picture.  I had started EH 1875 on my big floor frame when I fell ill. I was soooo glad it didn’t affect my stitching. When I came home from the hospital the first place I went was to work on it." Thank you so much for sharing! It looks great.

Sue Morris wrote: "Gooitie Cornelis stitching is completed. Another beautiful Berlin Sampler chart. GR 1810 is finally home. I loved stitching her. Thank you! Sabine for the fantastic chart."

Peter Fehr wrote: "How can you increase happiness and joy? You cannot imagine how happy my Helga was when the three samplers arrived back home. Again and again she stands in front of the beautiful samplers now framed and behind museum glass. She often shows me details, so I can enjoy them as well. She keeps asking: How can I only thank those lovely women who did everything for me? On our 57th wedding anniversary I was able to present everything to Helga. Thanks a lot to you, Mrs Herzner, Mrs Tardivel and Mrs Gramer. The three samplers hang side by side and I will attach photos of the three ladies underneath, so that all friends admiring the samplers can see who has completed them."

Time and again, I love it when customers are happy and satisfied with their work. Anka Hartung sent me her "Flower Alphabet ca. 1830", stitched on 40ct linen. She wrote, "I've done it, the dream sampler. They just look so beautiful, those floral letters. Awesome!" I cannot add anything to that.

Janita Mantel finished "Metta 1848". "It was a lot of work, but I loved to stitch it on 40 count linen with eight silk colors." Fantastic! Thank you for sharing! "Now I have finished this sampler and have changed the colours a bit, as well as the writing parts. It has become a family sampler! It is my finest work and it has brought joy," Bettina Schibler wrote to her beautiful "BK RM 1779".

"First of all, my heartfelt thanks for helping to make my wife happy again," Peter Fehr wrote to me yesterday. "If my wife has a good time again, she is always in front of her work and cannot believe that she cannot stitch anymore. Christine Herzner, in whom we have won a dear friend, has given us the completed sampler of permin of copenhagen and you cannot imagine how my Helga was excited about it. Tears of joy have not been around for a long time and we still cannot believe that there are such lovely people you have communicated to us. I saw in your gallery that Mrs. Krista Gramer also had finished and sent my wife's started sampler. She had also written to me that it was finished. Now we are curious when it will arrive."

Margit Guerrein has long been done with her magnificent "Bristol CH". Finally she sent me a picture of the framed sampler. The reverse side is once again exemplary and unique.

Krista Gramer really enjoyed finishing "BK HS 1842" for Helga Fehr. "This is the Becke sampler from Sabine’s collection which I was very honored to complete for a lovely lady in Germany, Helga, who can no longer stitch. The first photo shows Helga’s work and the second photo shows my finish. Now it will go back to Helga in German." It is overwhelming. Thank you so much, Krista!

It's done, the goal is reached: "Maria Lheureux 1890" is finished. I'm really happy with Ursel Zscherper about the result. Angelika Röhringer needed two years. "Leni - Rose Girl" really was a challenge. Beautiful!

Angelika Röhringer picked up her framed samplers "Abigail Carman 1867" and "Josepha Vogl 1846" this week. They are so beautiful. Thank you very much for sharing.

Danita Bowman Fiscus finished "REH 1746" over a year ago and has finally gotten it framed! Here she is in all her glory. Thank you.

Not only Maria Lheureux is happy, but also Brigitte Brandenburg from Paris. Her "Maria Lheureux 1890" is framed and hangs on the wall. So beautiful! Rosemarie Löschenkohl sent pictures of "LDR 1753" as well as "SES 1725" and wrote: "Have put again two of your wonderful patterns into practice. The angel with the street shoes and the canal house beautify our dining room wall. I look forward to the next samplers. Impressive.

Belinda Johnson was very proud when she finished her "Grete Rathmans 1788/89" and showed her on Facebook. Congratulations! Great!

Ursel Zscherper shows her "MHL 1685" and wrote: "MHL has become very beautiful, but especially the magnificent peacock of Sibmacher." The hemstitch is labour-intensive, but it is decorative. " Indeed, a gem! Sue Hertzog sent her "tiny" first finish for 2019 - "Ellen WinStanley 1855". She had fun stitching her, 14 x 15 cm. Thank you, Sue. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Slow and steady wins the race. Stitching and framing are very important to Gerda Hesse and her husband Rudi from Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. Here is a little insight into her home, including "EH 1875". Many thanks!

A wonderful "Grete Rathmans 1788/89" stitched by Alice Luciani is displayed at the show in Reggio Emilio, too. Alice wrote me: "Sono felicissima di esporre il mio lavoro nel vostro sito ...grazie!!! Mi sento importante!!! La realizzazione del ricamo mi ha dato tantissima soddisfazione!!! It's a pleasure.

It took a while, but now "MTAB 1845" is finished, wrote Ursel Zscherper. I'm so happy to show you her needlework here. "BK RM 1779" worked by Laura Bruzzone can be admired from 17 to 25 November 2018 at the Mostra dell'Associazione Italiana Punto Croce in Reggio Emilia, Italy. Title of the exhibition: "Dall'antico al moderno un viaggio nel mondo dei samplers ... con ago e con filo". Great!

Erica Uten finished her "Grete Rathmans 1788/1789". 48 count Italian linen, DMC thread. She had a lovely time stitching this sampler. Great! Now the beautiful sampler from Austria is completed! Ruthild von Dörnberg is very happy that she has ventured on this time-consuming and tricky work, because the result is really delightful! Now it has to be framed, then it will be a wedding present. Hooray!

Renate Rohrer sent an image of her slightly modified sampler "Haubarg 1783". She has a small thatched cottage on Eiderstedt. There are many farm houses with high thatched roofs (Haubarge). When embroidering she had a lot of fun. A real pleasure! Jeanny Cobben stitched "FK AM 1896". Wonderful, a small piece for her treasure chest. And there is still a lot in there.

Since the end of 2014, Bettina Schibler from Basel has embroidered on the three samplers "SG 1812", "Hannah Wallis 1802" and "Antonie Buzzi 1845". She personalized them and she is thrilled. Me too!

Sue Hertzog finished her latest sampler, the map sampler "Agnes Martha Lisney 1879". Sue wrote: "It was originally done by my great-grandmother Agnes. I grew up seeing this sampler on the wall. But after more than 130 years it had started to fall apart. Sabine charted her so she could be reproduced and stitched again." A customer provided me with her "LDR 1753" for the gallery. The roses are to hide her name and the year in the corner. Both are impressing!

Ruthild von Dörnberg wrote she had finished the lovely sampler "CAK 1769" finally. I am really happy with the result. I received an image of "Josepha Vogl 1846" - personalized and framed - by Nini List from the Netherlands. I am excited.

Terry Niemczura just finished this beautiful sampler - "MW 1903". Terrific! "GR 1810" de Chantal Mignolet sur une toile 14/16 fils / cm en 1/1 avec de la soie "Gloriana" noire. Fantastique!

Susan Taylor wants to show her progress on "In Memory MTR 1854".  Only thing left is the border and finishing the center of the cross.  Done on 36 ct Examplar. Finished and framed now: "LDR 1753" worked by Joanne McGahagan. Thank you so very much.

Karine from France finished "Daisy 1899" in blue. "I have just changed one thing: I stitched a harp (left, below) instead of a thing Daisy stitched but that I couldn't identify, and that was quite ugly." Magnifique! It was a great pleasure for Petra Gerritsen to stitch the sampler "Luise Traudt 1890". She used DMC floss, some patterns are worked with one thread. Fancywork!

Lisa Antonelli Della Porta used 32 ct Zweigart natural linen and the called for DMC floss (with one change on the brown for the lettering). Impressing! Doris Bing finished one more little girl & boy in “red”. Really cute!

"AEK 1751" and "LK 1817" worked by Rosemarie Löschenkohl. Finally framed. That's great!

"MW ca. 1900" worked by MW! Michèle Wagner from Etzling, France had the turbo on. I am excited. Eve Garrick Zelinsky from Iowa finished and framed her version of "M. P. Joppe 1886". It took quite some time for the framer and Eve to find the just perfect frame. They chose well - it came out looking very soft and snowy. She used DMC 3768. Great success!

Joanne McGahagan from Hollidaysburg finished "LDR 1753" finally. She has been working on it since last summer. She will send another picture of it when it is framed. Great! Already framed is "St. Gallen" by Ton Wolswijk, worked with one floss of DMC 931 on 40 ct Zweigart linen. Charming!

What a surprise by Ursel Zscherper on New Year's Day! She finished "MFT 1696" and "MW ca. 1900". A great start into the year 2018.

Hanneke Jongepier-Harskamp from Deventer (Netherlands) finished her first "stoplap". Worked on 40ct linen with DMC 3740. It wasn't easy. Cheers! Congratulations!

Ulrike Brockmann ripped six motifs up to create her variation of "PAPA ca. 1880". Now it hangs above her sofa. Eye candy!

Paola Osele sent pictures of the exhibition "Mostra dei lavori delle Socie" of the "Associazione Italiana del Punto Croce" in Baveno, Italy. Mille grazie!

Perfect! Framed with a red, narrow frame. Selected by Monika Reschke from Essen, Germany for her "Friederike Henkel 1853". Just perfect!

She's beautiful, isn't she? "BKRM 1779" worked by Michele Barton is framed now. 

The latest of her works: Ursel Zscherper's "Gardryth Timmans 1831". Again a very pleasant result. Terry Niemczura from Ohio just finished "LDR 1753". She converted the DMC threads to silks and I think it turned out beautifully.

Marlene Straßburger presents two finished samplers, "SM 1678" and "M. F. Tucher 1696". The first has been waiting for years as an UFO, stitched on two continents, the second one has been worked in Japan over the last two months. They gave her a lot of pleasure, so she started off with her third piece.

This is a pint-sized sampler worked by Gerda van Duuren, "S. de Meulemeester 1895". Rosemarie Löschenkohl wrote sending her "LDR 1753": A new piece is ready again, it is only waiting for the frame. As always it was a lot of fun. Both are stunning.

"Weer twee kleine lapjes klar." Gerda van Duuren from North Holland has finished two small samplers again: "MW ca. 1900" and "Kath. Keppel 1910". Lekker!

"PAPA approx. 1880" is perfect for individual variations.Hanneke Jongepier-Harskamp finished her PAPA in time for Father's Day. Congratulations!

I am grateful for having a place to present the beautiful works of my customers.Anne-Marit Strandborg has worked from bottom to top. "Daisy 1899" is her first signed sampler. My friend Margit Ortmann-Scholz enjoys her "Friederike Henkel 1853" every day. She still looks for a suitable frame.

What a suprise on Sunday morning! Susan Coulson was excited to tell me that she had finished "PAPA ca. 1880". It is stitched on 50 count linen with Mermaid Blue by Hand Dyed Fibers. Really a good morning. The next day things went on like this.Ulrike Grommisch sent her "Deborah Cockin 1806". A great start into the new week.

From Switzerland, Mireille Martini sent her smart "PAPA". Thank you so much! An Easter egg lay in my nest today: "MK 1685" worked by Ursel Zscherper. What a surprise! Thanks a lot!

On special occasions, Ursel Zscherper presents herself with a needlework kit. She is an enthusiastic and versed stitcher. Here I display her latest beauty: "ESHS 1810". Anne-Marit Strandborg from East Frisia stitched her first sampler, "Maria ca. 1900". Super! Join the club!

Rosa Gonzalez Pasquau always signs her beautiful reproductions. Here is a perfect "WCM 1820".

Inguna Krastina's last finish of 2016 - "Mary Gunter 1811" by European Reproduction Samplers. Stitched on Gander linen (19 threads/cm) with silks. Here and there she used a bit of hand dyed cotton threads, for example, the house is stitched with Brandied Pears by Classic Colorworks. Great!

Renée Kieffer: "Voilà Antoinette 1894-1896 dans toute sa splendeur ... 16 fils!!! Brodée avec du fil de coton couture au petit point sur 1 fil." Résultat superbe! "Amy Hartley 1804", still wrinkled and not framed because she was finished on New Year's Eve. Amy gave much pleasure to Elke Brijoux. She stitched on 36 ct Zweigart Edinburgh white with AVAS.

Jeanny Cobben sent two photos. Once "Nellie Gruitroy 1901" and wrote: "It was a pleasure to stitch this 'stoplap'." In addition, her darning samplers, "Nellie" together with "St. Gallen" and "S. de Meulemeester 1895". What a joy!

Chantal Mignolet worked "Josepha Vogl 1846" 1 over 1 on 35ct Lakeside linen with DMC cottons. Amazing!

"Frances Rae 1797" by Margret Zwinzscher from Werben is nearly completed and the two other samplers are framed and hang in the living room. Thank you so much for these lovely works.

Two motifs of the sampler "BW 1880" processed in herbal pillows by Gaby Nödl-Ebert from Vienna. "They are such lovely motifs and so easy to reproduce thanks to your patterns."

Kathy Born fell in love with the design and stitched "SG 1812" on 35 count, one over two with a mix of threads to go with the hint of tan in the background. Fascinating with the frame!

Brigitte Waltering sent me her next finished sampler - still unframed. She stitched it in silk on 40 ct linen. I like her "M. F. Tucher 1696" and hope that you enjoy the flowers. So that my gallery can grow, Ursel Zscherper from Dusseldorf sent me her "Hannah Wallis 1802". Thank you so much and congratulations! Everyone is happy.

Finally, Brigitte Waltering from Münster, Germany came to take pictures. Perfectly played to the gallery are her treasures:"REH 1746" und "EH 1785".

Joanne Aboud McGahagan from Pennsylvania proudly presented her "Gooitie Cornelis 1701", worked on 40 ct linen, on Facebook. A beauty! Jeanny Cobben stitched "Kath. Keppel 1910" on 40 ct linen "cloud brown" using Aurifil floss - red 2260 and blue 2775. Super!

Four red school samplers with small darning exercises. "S. de Meulemeester 1895" even made Gerda Van Duuren from the Netherlands addicted. She works it on 40 ct linen. Therefore, it is only 4 x 5 inch in size. Awesome!

Today was an outstanding day. Raffaella Alemanno from Torino, Italy and Rosemarie Löschenkohl had been diligent and sent me photos of their work. "Whether small gem or splendid showpiece - stitching was a lot of fun. I am grateful for every new sampler."

Michele Barton finished "BK RM 1779". Stitched with the called for DMC except for the cream color because it was the same color as her linen which was 40 count linen. Marvelous! A beautiful Easter greeting sent by Ursel Zscherper from Dusseldorf: Her "Wobcke Brandts 1796" was finished in time for the holidays.

Heather Long wishes she could know more about Metta, how her life turned out. She stitched "Metta 1848" on 35 count linen with silk threads from Vikki Clayton (HDF) of a custom color. Impressing!

"C. A. Bunch 1945" stitched by Mireille Martini is smashing. Holly Rison showed her beautiful "Martha Deane 1811" in a needlework group on Facebook. Thank you so much for the picture!

Jackie Reagan has her own "WCM 1820" now and she enjoys looking at it every day. A pleasure! Linda Wallace wrote: "This is "LDR 1753" by Sabine Taterra. It is the first of her repros I have stitched & I loved it. Her charts & historical info were great." Perfectly wonderful!

Rielle Konings van Montfort from the Netherlands could not overcome the temptation to stitch the doorstoplap "St. Gallen" zu. "It was a pleasure to work it! I used Aurifil 28/2 colour 2783 on Edinburgh linen. It is so nice to see that the reverse side is the negative of the front."

"M. Levy" worked by Elisabeth Prady from Clermont-Ferrand, France was completed some time ago. I got the photo today. Be glad with me! Lois Suski stitched her "Friederike Henkel 1853" with Vikki Clayton's "BeRedded" silk on vintage linen. Terrific!

Signed and dated: Renate Frey from Langerringen fancies Biedermeier samplers. Here are her magnificent works "WCM 1820" and "1837 Nannette".

A beautiful start into the new year. Véronique Vinel finished "St. Gallen". Merci! "Saint Gallens - lin 16 fils Sand Cloud "Sew It All" ancienne mouture. Que du bonheur!!!!"

Elke Brijoux presented her embroideries dated 2015 on Facebook. The "Eiderstedt Haubarg 1783" is one of them. An eye-catcher! Marlies Molman-van Der Bom from Breda, Netherlands worked "PAPA ca. 1880" with one thread on 40 ct linen. "I changed many squares. What a pleasure to stitch it!"

Linda Wallace from Knoxville has fun with "LDR 1731" She works on 40 count Weeks Dye Work linen beige. She uses a darker color palette. Kara McLouth from Huntsville wrote: "I finished my Gardryth (small). It is one of the most enjoyable samplers that I have ever stitched and went very quickly. I am sending along a photo. The photo was taken prior to framing." I was absolutely delighted.

Bernadette Wijnhoven from the Netherlands signed her PAPA in red and displayed the sampler us all on Facebook. Rosa Gonzalez Pasquau stitched the Amsterdam house in 2010 for the first time, once again in 2014. Now she is very happy with this third version worked with DMC over one thread of cream 25ct linen. Size 14.2 x 15 inch. Amazing!

"Antoinette 1894-1896" en 1 fil sur 1 sur une toile de 12. Renée Kieffer: "Voilà c'est fait après 5 mois de petits points Antoinette est sur la toile...ouf!!!!!!" Formidable! Angelika Röhringer sent a picture of her "C. A. Bunch 1945". In my opinion it is very well done.

In 2010, the pattern of the Bristol sampler "MAW" was a freebie for my customers on the occasion of the 5th company anniversary. Mary Hall and Barbara Daffner finished their nice pieces.


Daniela Krause from Ueberlingen sent me prints of her embroidery, including the beautiful "Therese Suchanek 1884" and "1820 WCM". Thanks!

Jeanny Cobben worked "St. Gallen" on 40 ct linen using DMC 815, Ursel Zscherper sent a picture of her "Goes 1896" variation. A delight both!

Christel Ross worked „Daisy 1899“ with silks on 35 ct linen. Applause, applause! Pam Tanner on her EH 1875: "She’s a beauty! So glad I stitched her and love the frame I picked for her." Really a dream!

Now Helga Fehr looks for a nice place to display her framed "Mette Putfarckens 1811/1825". Very impressive! 

Two treasures worked by Ursel Herschel: the German school samplers "MW 1903" and "C. Zechendorf 1898"!

Nathalie J. from Nancy, France stitched "EDFS 1807". Magnifique! "Ida Anker 1872" worked by Ulrike Grommisch in bright red! Fair and beautiful!

Gerard Quak from the Netherlands used 45ct linen for his variation of "PAPA ca. 1880". Those eight rectangles that are repeated, he replaced with his own creations. Very nice! 277.5 hours of needlework pleasure - Angelika Röhringer and "Nannette 1837".

The beautiful "Martha Jones 1792" currently gets a magnificent frame. Dawn Chronis can not wait to get back her first reproduction. With the dancing children, Bhooma Aravamudan demonstrated good skills again. She stitched "C. A. Bunch 1945" on 36ct linen with HDF silks.

Jackie Reagan from Missouri has just finished "BKRM 1779": "This was a fun and colorful stitch. I used 36 ct cream and the DMC threads recommended."

Ursel Zscherper’s "Blue Wonder" from 1807 has just been completed. Once again, an exquisite piece!

Helga Fehr managed it and "Mette 1811/1825" waits for its crowning edge. This time Margit Guerrein worked her "Antoinette 1894-1896" with Gütermann silk – down to the right her initials and the year.


Sue Hertzog finished just in time for Valentine's Day - the lovebirds from "Josepha Vogl 1846". It was a pleasure to darn, Jeanny Cobbenwrote, sending her "S. de Meulemeester 1895 ". It is a pleasure for me to show both of the samplers here.

"It was so enjoyable working on the Amy Hartley sampler after admiring it from afar so many years." Deborah Rowland wanted to share the results with us. A delight! Silks were substituted from her inventory after comparing the closest matches she had to the DMC. Not enough dark green silk was available so she used several shades of green instead. After stitching in cross stitch the entire time she took liberties in adding four eyelets in the blue flowers under Amy's name. As final homage to the original, the sampler was hemstitched with her name and date in the turned under hem.

Angelika Röhringer sent a WIP picture of her "Nannette 1837".

Margit Guerrein's "Frances Rae 1797" is beautiful all around.

A beautiful new construction: The large "Haubarg" by Rosemarie Löschenkohl is completed. With constructional defects, as usual in the building trade. Ursel Zscherper finished "BK HS 1842". The reproduction is - as the "predecessors" - incredibly beautiful again.

It was a joy for Anita Johansen to work "Edward 1874". Wondeful! Gorgeous! Holly K. Rison sent a picture of her great Quaker wall - including "Martha 1811", "1803 Eliza" and "AH 1810".

Rosa Gonzalez Pasquau has been personalizing and dating her samplers for years, here "WCM 1820". „C. A. Bunch 1945“ agencé à la façon de Renée Kieffer, ajouté la suite de l'ABC, supprimé la croix et déplacé quelques motifs. Formidable!

Bea Sloof from the Netherlands worked "met veel plezier" on the merklap "Maria Verdura" and dated and signed her piece.

Ursel Zscherper has made it! Her "BK RM 1779" is a feast for the eyes, too. The two framed darning samplers "S. de Meulemeester 1895" and "Goes 1896" by Brigitte Brandenburg are plain and beautiful.

Heike Götz sent greetings from southern Germany - her "M. P. Joppe 1886". Classy! A great eye-catcher is Ursel Zscherper's small darning sampler. Her "S. de Meulemeester 1895" turned out really cute.

A Saxon beauty from Bhooma Aravamudan - "Sidonie 1890"! Therese Niemczura enjoyed stitching "MTT 1858". It looks so beautiful and elegant.

Red and blue - lovely small Vierlande samplers stitched by Donna Lemos on 40ct linen: "KS 1794" and "MTT 1858" look awesome.

Finally nicely framed and on the wall: "Dorothea Padies", "Elisabeth & Willi 1911" and "Louise Rigaud 1895" by Ulrike Grommisch. Great!

I first saw Rosa Gonzalez Pasquau's beautiful reproduction of "CEG 1737" on Facebook. Now I can show it here.


Living with samplers. Rosemarie Löschenkohl shares her home with us. Many thanks!

Renée Kieffer from Alsace chose "DS 1842" for her family sampler. Anka Meyer enjoyed every motif and signed her "BW 1880". Merci beaucoup and thank you!

Doris Brown from Littleton, USA sent a picture of her sampler "Martha Jones 1792", which is stitched on 40-count lambswool linen. She can't wait to have Martha's sampler on her wall. Great!

Another Vierlande sampler by Helga Urban Baule is complete - "IFAKHS 1817". Congratulations! Lotti Pfyl and "Gooitie" are on holiday together.

Binta Colson sent me her "Maria ca. 1900" with best regards from Maastricht, Netherlands. Also from the Netherlands comes "St. Gallen" stitched by Marianne V.

Quotation Ursel Zscherper: "Share my happiness about 'MB 1799'! The sampler has become simply beautiful. It was a pleasure." Jackie Reagan from Missouri finished "WCM 1820", her reproduction looks great, too. Thank you for sharing!

Elke Brijoux from Lünen had planned for a long time, but only now in retirement she got round to sending pictures of six samplers: All were stitched on 35 ct linen Edinburgh by Zweigart. For "SB 1776" she used silk floss for the first time, the others are worked with DMC.

Ulrike Grommisch just managed it. After a true needlework marathon the tulips are even finished on New Year's Eve.

Angelika Kaldenhoven is pleased being able to keep a promise given on the last Textile Art in Berlin and to send some pictures of her finished "PAPA". The embroidery has accompanied her for three years to many islands in the world (from Jersey via Thailand to Usedom ...). The sampler is to be framed now.

"Metta 1848" in blue by Christine Mugnier - four different blues from Victoria Clayton's hand dyed silk flosses. Looks great! Within one week, embroidered, starched and ironed by Ursel Zscherper - ready is the mini-sampler "Erna Schuppelius". Super!

Christel Ross hung her "RET 1714" from Southern Germany next to her "1772 ACO" from Northern Germany - a peaceful coexistence thanks to the uniform framing. She worked her "Rachel Wilson 1818" in blue. Just beautiful!

Inguna Krastina from Belgium on M. F. Tucher 1696: "Small, but well filled sampler. Stitched on 40ct Zweigart Newcastle Flax with The Gentle Art threads. Finished sampler measures 20 x 27 cm. Really loved all the flowers!" It came out small and fine - Urbanie's sampler. Ursel Zscherper likes it, above all the corner motifs.

Angela Schiller would have preferred her "WCM 1820" without mount. The framer had his own view of a well-framed image. But it still looks very nice. She has already chosen a new sampler - "EH 1875". Thanks a lot to Lisette Gruisen for her "M. P. Joppe 1886" - found on facebook

Brigitte Waltering "played" with the original colours of "SES 1725". Her sampler is nicely done! Ursel Zscherper's "Francis 1797" is finished and she comes along as a beauty. The maker is ready for new projects ("Urbanie Baylac 1900").

Anne L'hoste is a bit further with Mr. Edward. Brigitte Brandenburg has long finished "MTT 1858". Now she sent the image so that it goes on here in the "Gallery". Beautiful! Brigitte wrote: "Lots of fun for this summer blue 497. Delightful to stitch the flip over motifs. The little bird was sweet. Sabine, always delightful to stitch after your reproductions. Many thanks again from Paris."

Awesome! Bhooma Aravamudan's finish - "Dorothea Padies" 1 x 1 on 40 ct linen with SSF from Vikki Clayton's Hand Dyed Fibers. The first photo is taken next a scissors fob - 7.625" long - made by her daughter and a US Quarter. The second photo is sans scissors fob.

Anita Johansen from San Antonio, Texas stitched "Mary 181" on 40 ct Lakeside Linen "Pearled Barley" and converted the DMC to Crescent Colours over dyed floss. Anita: "I think she is one of the prettiest samplers you have (and that I have ever stitched!!!!)." Ria Ceelen from Liempde, Netherlands finished "Barber Meins 1840/42" after six months work. Gorgeous!

Update on Dijn Duijs' version of "BKRM 1779": Relief-stitching and lots of shades of warm colours.

Ursel Zscherper began to work a cutout sampler. For relaxation she does with "Frances Rae" on. In addition, two photos of their finished "Jenny Haemsch 1904". "When you have got the hang of it, the lace is relatively easy to stitch, but again it required great concentration," she wrote.

Update on Dijn Duijs' version of "BKRM 1779": Relief-stitching and lots of shades of warm colours.

Krista Gramer from Brookfield, Connecticut loves all the flowers of "SM 1678". Thank you for sharing! Frances Weeks Smith from Arkansas can celebrate finishing of her "EH 1875".

Sue Hertzog finished "Karolina Kisling 1825" long ago. Her embroidery measures 35 cm x 23 cm worked over 22 count to the inch. Karen Bugg finished "Anna Roenneke" a few days ago. Both of the samplers are great, aren't they?

My friend Margit's biggest project - "Edward 1874". Top! Ulrike Grommisch was on holiday. That was good for herself, Elisabeth and Willi.

Ursel Zscherper had a lot of fun once again. Her "St. Gall" is magnificent, isn't it?

Margit Guerrein's third Bristol sampler! Super!

Dijn Duijs takes the colours she loves and creates her own version of "IFAKHS 1817".

Five ladies from Oregon are in Palm Springs, CA this weekend enjoying sunshine and warm weather, along with their stitching - "Bristol CH" untraditional in color.

Irmtraud Bareiss stitched her "CAK 1769": a wonderful, individual Variation.

For Helena, worked by Anka Meyer!

Expert on front and reverse sides - Ursel Zscherper's "Gertrud Gröschel 1895".

After many months, Sue Hertzog has just finished her latest needlepoint creation - BW 1880. Worked over one thread on 22 ct fabric. Breathtaking! Ulrike Grommisch builds up her "Berlin wall". "EH 1875" is her third Berlin woolwork sampler. A great idea!

She did it! Mette stitched by Gudrun Dietrich from Bremervörde is finished - framed and hung. Gorgeous! Margit is soon ready. I am pleased.

The experiment, "SB 1776" in original colours, is finished. Ursel Zscherper: "It was exciting and can be recommended for reproduction. Margaret Bertrand enjoyed "PAPA". She used 18 count cotton aida, and  J.P. Coats 100% cotton floss colour 8399. Eyecathers both!

The 2012 summer holidays are over for Elisabeth Knäble and again she has come to an end with two wonderful pieces - "ACG 1728" and "Goes 1896".

Anne Bihais from France finished "Amy Hartley" one month ago and finally managed to find a suitable frame last week. "Mary Wigham 1790" is Ursel Zscherper's first Quaker sampler. It looks awesome.

Christel Ross is on the needle. She loves red and blue in her kitchen and the staircase.

Ursel Zscherper has been busy. "Emma Pêcheur 1911" has been finished "long, long ago". "Gabriele Geyler 1904" is completed, the Holbein lace is great. Ursel Zscherper finds it was relatively easy to stitch.

Beautiful "Martha". This time it was stitched by Irmgard Bareiss.

We all know the verso. Sue Hertzog shows it at her beautiful "BW 1880" - stitched over one thread in needlepoint.

Stitched with Anchor threads on 40ct linen - Ute Fischer from Ladenburg will complete "BW 1880" soon!!!

With the turbo needle: Debra Roman from Rochester Hills had a lot of fun with "Martha Jones 1792". Kind regards from Münster - Brigitte Waltering worked "GR 1810" on 40ct linen.

I always admire, how much patience is exercised by sampler lovers. Congratulations to Claudia Bourgeois of Baton Rouge! She stitched "Metta 1848" using one strand of HDF silk over 2. The color is one of HDF's "mystery" spools - a variegated that runs from a true red to a pink/red.

Dated and signed 2010 - 2011 AT PW - Annette Pauleweit from the island Fehmarn completed "Mette 1811/1825" with eye-catchers and borders. Gudrun Dietrich from Bremervörde works on her own lovely interpretation of "Mette".

This is Ursel Zscherper's "Adelheit 1842" in beautiful variations of blue.

Elisabeth Prady is finally finished with "Adelheit Greschner". She sent a picture without delay. Finished and framed! For Lois Suski from Idaho Falls "WCM 1820" is one of her favorite pieces. Gorgeous!

Anne Bihais from Pirmil, France has never stitched on such a small scale - 35 ct linen. She likes the light colours and she likes doing "Amy Hartley". Me too! Elvira Farr busily stitches and her sister always emails the pictures. Thank you so much for "Luise Lochau"!

Ursel Zscherper battled her way through FH 1910 and won by a mile!

Margit Guerrein from Berlin stitches again: "Friederike Henkel 1853" – "Gott lobe deinen Fleiß / May God praise your diligence". Brigitte Brandenburg had a broken leg and the only thing she could do was stitching: "Luise Lochau 1906" – "Sich regen bringt Segen." / "Hard work pays off." or "No gain without Pain.“


Finally framed! The sampler had been missing for a while. Ulrike Grommisch sent a picture of her "WCM 1820" three days before Christmas. Keep it up! Anka Meyer from Sparta, New Jersey finished her first reproduction - M. Levy. Congratulations!

Marjan Kuyken had fun with darning. Her "M. P. Joppe" is now "M. Kuyken". Creative Maria Rosa Muia from Reggio Emilia: her version of "Nannette 1837". I love showing initiative!

Angelika Röhringer - "DS 1842" stitch by stitch, for two years, a great finish! Elisabeth Aberra Guebrou stitched "Barber Meins 1840/42" with DMC 3768, 3727 and 3041. Lovely!!

"Eliza Trusted 1803" worked by Ursel Zscherper. Great!!

After four weeks in storm and rain in northern Denmark Doris Niek’s “Gardryth Timman 1831” is finished: reddish-brown Dansk Blomstergarn on 35 ct linen!!! Sue Hertzog has worked both of her Biedermeier samplers in finest stitches. Her needlepoint version of "Biedermeier approx. 1840" is already framed. Worked on 22 count as always it turned out at 22 cm x 64 cm!!!

Back from holiday: Brigitte Brandenburg has completed "Adele Messelir"!

Elisabeth Aberra Guebrou has a turbo needle! She completed "Friederike Henkel 1853" in record time! Ursel Zscherper has never had such fun darning before "Goes 1896". Great!

One year - and Elisabeth Knäble has completed "Anna Schween 1853". Margit Ortmann-Scholz from Berlin currently prefers monochrome works. She has sent three beauties!

Perfect! Ulrike Grommisch's kitchen!

Linda Patacca from Florida finished "PAPA" last week. A delight!

Ursel Zscherper could not stop working "PAPA", now she has done - with an addition at the bottom. Every Monday morning Bhooma Aravamudan makes me happy with her updates!

A Nuremberg sampler for a lady from Nuremberg! Elisabeth Knäble's Christmas gift is framed. She enjoyed "Joppe" as well, since she always was excited how the next motif comes out.

Jip Bieräugel from Alkmaar, The Netherlands was very creative with the colour selection on "MTT 1858".

Helga Fehr from Leverkusen has been working her "Metta" for two years. Unframed and framed a great result!

Gerlinde Bartelt from Strasburg worked "PAPA" on an individual basis. Mireille Martini's "Wobcke Brandts 1796" has been ironed. Will it get a frame?

Advanced Dutch sampler worked by Sigrid Eckel. Gorgeous!

"Wobcke Brandts 1796" worked by Mireille Martini from Lausanne. Great! "Becke" is finished!!!! Ursel Zscherper sent a picture for my Gallery from Dusseldorf to Berlin. I was very pleased!

A fine start is done by Rianne van Roozendaal. "M. P. Joppe 1886" on 46ct linen.

A new beauty in Ulla Waldmann's home: "Daisy 1899". Brigitte Brandenburg could not stop before she had finished her amazing "M. P. Joppe 1886".

"WCM 1820" newly interpreted by Irmtraud Bareiss from Reutlingen. Outstanding!

Mijna has finished her interpretation of "Papa approx. 1880". Great! The first picture for the gallery in 2011 was sent by Ulrike Grommisch.

Second stroke... 

"This was the first stroke!" Brigitte Brandenburg from Paris sent her work-in-progress picture of "M.P. Joppe 1886". She wrote it was so beautiful that she could not stop! At the same time, I received a picture of "Anna Schween" stitched by Ursel Zscherper from Duesseldorf. Thank you so much!

I am deeply grateful to Donna and Karen who have been accompanying me on Wobcke right from the start.

Elvira Farr has had much fun on holiday, amongst others she finished "Johanna Schramm 1920". Lou Mendes has just started "CAK 1769".

Karen Bugg's "Mette" is back from the framers. It's a great Vierlanden corner, isn't it?