New on the Book Market: "Ausgezählt: Stickmustertücher in den Vierlanden" by Andrea Madadi
The 80 pages book shows photos of three samplers that I counted a few years ago. If you are curious, please click on the photos below. The book contains patterns that you can stitch yourself and is richly illustrated with photos by Axel Netzband, who accompanied the author during her research. It is available in many Bergedorf bookstores, at certain sales outlets in the Vierlanden area and of course in Bergedorfer Schloss for 9.95 euros. (ISBN: 978-3-00-070827-5)
Contact: Bergedorfer Museumslandschaft - Antje Rhauderwiek - Bergedorfer Schlossstraße 4 - 21029 Hamburg - Germany - Tel.: 040 / 428 91 2973
E-Mail: antje.rhauderwiekbergedorf.hamburgde - Internet: